Julian Figueroa, A Mexican Ballad Singer, Died At Age 27

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Julian Figueroa, A Mexican Ballad Singer, Died At Age 27

Julián Figueroa, a Mexican balladeer, passed away on Monday at the age of 27.

Figueroa was the son of singer Joan Sebastian and actress Maribel Guardia, both of whom passed away in 2015. Figueroa's death was attributed to a cardiac condition by Guardia.

Similar to his father, Figueroa performed ballads with a traditional band and a northern influence. Songs like "Yo sera," "Ay amor," and "Volaré" were among his top hits.

Guardia announced the death of her son over the weekend on Instagram.

Last night, they discovered him unconscious in his room, she wrote. "There was no indication of violence when the ambulance arrived and the police discovered him dead. According to the medical report, he suffered a fatal acute heart attack.

The singer and actress Imelda Tuón, Figueroa's wife, and their son all survived him. Plans for the funeral were not made public right away.

One of Mexico's greatest ballad singers, Joan Sebastian, passed away in 2015 at the age of 64.

He was most known for his emotional love songs like "Tatuajes" and "Secreto de Amor," which were occasionally performed on horseback and sometimes set to straightforward guitar arrangements.

Jose Manuel Figueroa, a.k.a. Sebastian Figueroa, fathered eight kids with five different women.

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