SpaceX Cancels Rocket Launch To International Space Station Minutes Before Lift Off

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Image of SpaceX Cancels Rocket Launch To International Space Station Minutes Before Lift Off

Two NASA astronauts, a Russian cosmonaut, and the second Emirati to travel to space were to be aboard the SpaceX Dragon Crew-6 mission, which was set to launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Center at 1:45 in the morning (0645 GMT). On Monday, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch to the International Space Station was delayed due to issues with ground systems, according to authorities. Two NASA astronauts, a Russian cosmonaut, and the second Emirati to travel to space were to be aboard the SpaceX Dragon Crew-6 mission, which was set to launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Center at 1:45 in the morning (0645 GMT). But the launch was halted with only two minutes left before takeoff. NASA published a tweet.The crew would depart shortly after SpaceX reported that it had started removing fuel from the rocket. The launch will be postponed till later. Andrei Fedyaev of Russia, Stephen Bowen and Warren Hoburg of NASA, Sultan al-Neyadi of the United Arab Emirates, and others will spend six months aboard the space station. Neyadi, 41, will fly to space as the second astronaut from the oil-rich UAE and the fourth astronaut from an Arab nation; his colleague Hazzaa al-Mansoori flew an eight-day mission in 2019. The planned expedition was a "huge honour," according to Neyadi. Both the Endeavour's pilot Hoburg and the Russian mission expert Fedyaev will go into space for the first time.Fedyaev is the second Russian astronaut to launch on a SpaceX rocket and reach the ISS. Russian Soyuz spacecraft carry NASA astronauts to the station on a regular basis.

Since the Russian advance in Ukraine pitted the two countries squarely against one another, space has remained a rare area of collaboration between Moscow and Washington. Notwithstanding these conflicts, these interactions have persisted. Politics hardly ever come up in orbit, according to Bowen, a veteran of three space shuttle flights. All of us are pros. The commander replied, "We remain focused on the task itself.The Crew 6 members will carry out a variety of studies while on board the ISS, including investigations into the functioning of the heart, brain, and cartilage, as well as the way materials burn in microgravity. The present crew is the sixth to travel to the ISS using a SpaceX rocket. Three trips into space have been made by the Endeavour capsule. Each about six months, NASA pays SpaceX to transport humans to the ISS. The four members of Crew-5, who have been aboard the ISS since October, will take over to Crew-6 after a handover period of several days, according to the space agency. Afterwards Crew-5 will fly back to the planet.

Emergency Capsule

Together with NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, the ISS is also home to cosmonauts Dmitry Petelin and Sergei Prokopyev. The Soyuz MS-22 capsule's cooling system was harmed by a small meteoroid in December when it was docked with the International Space Station, delaying its intended return to Earth until March 28. The three astronauts were brought back to Earth on Friday by the unmanned Russian Soyuz MS-23. They will now visit Earth again in September. During the Cold War space competition, US-Russian collaboration expanded, and construction of the ISS started in 1998. Since the 1960s, Russia has sent humans into space on the venerable but ageing Soyuz spacecraft has had a plethora of issues, some of which have resulted in the loss of satellites and vehicles.

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