Moon, Jupiter And Venus Come Together In Night Sky

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Moon, Jupiter And Venus Come Together In Night Sky

The conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus created a stunning nocturnal spectacle that was visible all across the world. On Wednesday, the trio formed a perfect trifecta and delighted astronomers with a stunning cosmic dance. This unusual occurrence was such a pleasure that individuals were compelled to record it on their cellphones and post it online. So much so that they adorned Twitter with glittering pictures of the planetary alignment, which the Moon joined in the nighttime skies. On February 21 and 22, after sunset, a faint silver line of the waxing crescent moon was visible when Jupiter and Venus were almost equal distances apart. At this point,It was anticipated that Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, would be located at the top of the system, around 8 degrees above and to the left of Venus, with the Moon being situated roughly 7 degrees below Venus. Skywatchers were mesmerised by this exciting astronomical encounter, and some of them even managed to take a photo of all three celestial entities at once, which they then uploaded to social networking sites. As they get ready for their closest conjunction on March 1, two of the sun's brightest planets, Jupiter and Venus, have been getting closer over the previous several weeks. On this day, Venus will shine at a brightness of -4.0 while Jupiter may be seen at a magnitude of -2.1, placing the heavenly planets just 0.52 degrees apart.The difference between them was a huge 29 degrees at the start of the month, but as of February 20, it was just 10 degrees. Scientists studying space have not been surprised by the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, but rather by how far apart they were in this particular occasion.

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