S Jaishankar: G20 Presidency Opportunity For World To See India's Diversity

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Image of S Jaishankar: G20 Presidency Opportunity For World To See Indias Diversity

S. Jaishankar, the minister of external affairs for India, described the G20 presidency as a "amazing chance" for the world to witness India's "whole variety," as 200 meetings will be held around the nation throughout the process, in Pune. At the G20 Festival of Thinkers Conference held at Symbiosis International University in Pune, he made this statement. 200 meetings are scheduled as part of the G20 process, and they will all be held in Indian states. As the world's perceptions of India are sometimes restricted to extremely clear pictures of India, Mr. Jaishankar said, "We want to distribute it across different regions so that this is an exceptional chance for the world to experience India, the whole variety of India. "When the globe," he continued, When people think of India, they often think of Delhi or perhaps a little bit beyond than Delhi. "How can we then encourage the rest of the world to value our vast diversity, rich history, and amazing natural wonders? Hence, holding the gatherings in different cities and towns around the nation rather than merely for the world to see is the whole objective." "It's also a method of making India more and Indians more aware of the globe today, when every state multiples, there are roughly 55-56 cities and towns that will be hosting the G20," Mr. Jaishankar said."We are gathered here today because India has won the G20 presidency," External Affairs Minister said.

The 20 largest economies in the world get together as the G20. It is more than just a group of 20 countries. In a challenging time, "the G20 leadership is a very significant duty." Mr. Jaishankar said in his remarks at the G20 Festival of Thinkers Summit at Symbiosis International University in Pune that India views the G20 as a chance for individuals, especially the young, to get a global perspective. We don't only view the G-20 as an event or a programme, he remarked. "We view it as a chance for our people, our citizens, and especially our young today to gain an awareness of the world, expand their awareness, and grow their interest, while simultaneously giving the world access to our people, our citizens, and especially our youth today has a deeper knowledge of India." He emphasised that the G20's goal is to foster economic expansion and growth. He discussed statements made about India's economic development by IMF Managing Director Krystalina Georgieva. He said that Georgieva had remarked that India is responsible for 15% of global growth this year.

I would invite you to study the observations made by Krystalina Georgieva, managing director of the IMF, Mr. Jaishankar stated. She has noted that having a nation like India with a GDP base rising at seven percent and expected to continue, if not really expand, in the future decade is something about which the world has enormous expectations in what is otherwise, frankly, a rather grim global economic environment. And if I were to give you an estimate for India, I would say that we are expanding at a rate of 7%. Everyone is feeling good. Good. I want you to observe how the world seems. 15 percent of the global increase this year, according to Krystalina Georgieva,informs us that India will account for 15% of global growth this year. Thus, he said, "We are 15% of the economic development and growth answer that the G20 is searching for. Mr. Jaishankar emphasised the significance of the Aadhar card in his speech at the G20 Festival of Thinkers Conference. The Aadhar number, he claimed, "has turned into a magic number." It is the foundation upon which millions of people depend for their everyday survival. Our online presence is expanding. Japan, the UK, Denmark, Germany, and Portugal are just a few of the nations who are interested in our ability.

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