USA Reports: Steve Smith Looking To Join Major League Cricket In USA

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Image of USA Reports: Steve Smith Looking To Join Major League Cricket In USA

Steve Smith, a prominent Australian cricketer, reportedly plans to play in Major League Cricket (MLC) in the United States starting in 2019. Steve's objectives and current thoughts have been discussed, according to Sameer Mehta, a co-founder of MLC. He believed that if he and we could make it work- I know this season, he has commitments - then it would be possible, according to Mehta. The Australian schedule for the next year is unknown to me, but I think there is enough room for him to perhaps play. Smith will participate actively in the competition going forward, according to Mehta, who added, "Long-term, our opinion is that we could see a lot of him in." The US." Smith stated in September of last year that "leagues are definitely springing up all over the place now, and I believe you'll probably see more players going down that road in the later stages of their careers, so it's maybe something I'll look at in the future." Cricket has been attempting to enter the American market for some time. But certainly, he said, "I think it'd be interesting to watch how it goes."Smith, though, is unable to take part in the competition this year since Australia will go to England for the five-match Test series for the Ashes. Smith will have a window to play in the league in 2024, following the T20 World Cup, which will also be held by the USA and the West Indies. On July 13 of this year, the MLC's debut season is scheduled to begin in Texas. The league's projected value is 174 million Australian dollars. San Francisco, Dallas, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York City are the bases for each of the six clubs. The teams can sign 18 players, with a maximum of seven from outside, and will have a $1.5 million pay ceiling.

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