Kate Forbes, Scotland's Finance Secretary, To Stand In The SNP Leadership Election

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Kate Forbes, Scotlands Finance Secretary, To Stand In The SNP Leadership Election

Scotland's finance and economy secretary, Kate Forbes, has launched her candidature to succeed Nicola Sturgeon as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party and first minister of the government. Forbes stated on Twitter that she has the "vision, experience, and ability to excite voters throughout Scotland" and is a "unifier." "I can't sit back and watch our nation's progress towards self-determination be hindered," she said on Monday.

Forbes is the betting favourite to succeed Sturgeon, who announced her departure last Wednesday. Angus Robertson, cabinet minister for the constitution and external affairs and another party heavyweight, pulled himself out of the race on Monday.

Robertson, a former SNP group leader at Westminster, was viewed as one of the main potential candidates to succeed Sturgeon.

"As the father of two very young children, the time is not appropriate for me and my family to make such a significant commitment," Robertson said in a statement on Monday.

Scotland's health secretary, Humza Yousaf, and former community safety minister Ash Regan have both indicated their intention to run for leader of the ruling SNP.

Members of the SNP will vote for a new leader between March 13 and March 27