Australia To Fast Track Purchase Of High, Tech Sea Mines To Protect Ports Trade Routes

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Australia To Fast Track Purchase Of High, Tech Sea Mines To Protect Ports Trade Routes

Australia will expedite plans to purchase high-tech sea mines to defend its ports and trade routes from "potential aggressors" in light of China's expanding influence in the Pacific. Australia will expedite plans to purchase high-tech sea mines to defend its ports and maritime routes from "potential aggressors."The so-called smart sea mines are made to distinguish between military targets and other kinds of ships, according to a statement from the defence department.The procurement of smart sea mines, which will assist secure maritime communication cables and safeguard Australia's marine approaches, is being expedited by Australia, according to the statement.It said that having contemporary marine mining capabilities was a powerful deterrent to future aggressors.Canberra will pay up to $1 billion to purchase the cutting-edge undersea weaponry, according to a report by The Sydney Morning Herald, despite the military department not providing any other information.According to the article, which cited unnamed defence industry insiders, the federal government will shortly announce a deal to purchase "a considerable number" of sea mines from a European weapons supplier.According to Sam Roggeveen, director of the Lowy Institute's International Security programme, Australia will be able to strategically block ports and sea routes thanks to the mines.Even though Australia's army was relatively tiny, mine warfare had been disregarded by larger, more sophisticated warships, according to Mr. Roggeveen.He remarked, "I suppose just because it is somewhat unglamorous.

But it is a very efficient and economical approach to effectively block off some sea routes.Or, at the very least, it will take a lot of time and work if you want to go through them.The ABC reported that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will not "pre-empt such national security considerations."Making ensuring we have the finest defences possible is what we need, he added."We have thus examined missile defence; we are currently examining cybersecurity; we are currently examining all of these topics."China intends to increase its influence in the Pacific. It signed a security agreement with the Solomon Islands last year, which alarmed Australia and the United States since they have long considered the Solomon Islands as a potential threat their sphere of influence as the area.Over the last few years, Australia has sought to increase its defence spending, notably through a 2021 agreement to buy nuclear submarines from the United States and Britain.

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