The Worlds Coldest City Is Currently At 50 Degrees Celsius

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The Worlds Coldest City Is Currently At 50 Degrees Celsius

The coldest city on earth has a current temperature of 50 degrees Celsius.

People in this city believe that clothing adequately is the best way to remain safe, which is why they are dressed in layers for the chilly weather.

The entire planet is experiencing severe cold, but one city has recorded lows of minus 50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit).

This week's abnormally extended cold wave has caused temperatures in Yakutsk, the world's coldest city, to plunge to minus 50 degrees Celsius.

On the permafrost of the Russian Far East, 5,000 km (3,100 miles) east of Moscow, the mining city's population frequently experience temperatures that consistently fall far below minus 40.

People in this metropolis are dressed in many layers of winter gear because they feel helpless against the bitter cold. "Fighting it won't work. Either you adapt and dress appropriately, or you suffer "said,

Anastasia Gruzdeva, who was dressed in various hats, hoods, gloves, and scarves outside. Residents in the remote location are making extra efforts to stay warm even though they are used to subzero temperatures because January is the coldest month there. There are no unique techniques for surviving the cold, according to another local,

Nurgusun Starostina, who sells frozen fish at a market without the use of a refrigerator or freezer. Simply dress warmly, she said. "Like the layers of a cabbage!"