Joe Biden On Kevin McCarthy's Win: This Is A Time To Govern Responsibly

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Joe Biden On Kevin McCarthys Win: This Is A Time To Govern Responsibly

On Kevin McCarthy's victory, Joe Biden said: "Now is the time to lead responsibly."

Kevin McCarthy, 57, won the historic post-midnight 15th ballot to become the Speaker of the House on Saturday.

On Saturday, US President Joe Biden congratulated Representative Kevin McCarthy on becoming Speaker of the House of Representatives and emphasised that now is the time to lead properly.

McCarthy, 57, won the unprecedented post-midnight 15th ballot to become the Speaker of the House on Saturday. He took Nancy Pelosi's 82-year-old Democratic Party position.

Soon after McCarthy was chosen as the US House Speaker, Biden issued a statement in which he said, "This is a time to govern responsibly and to guarantee that we're putting the interests of American families first."

He received 216 votes, including some late drama, in the 15th round of voting on the fourth day to formally win the speaker's gavel.

"(First Lady Dr. Jill Biden) and I would want to extend our congratulations to Kevin McCarthy on being chosen as Speaker of the House. He stated, "We need to govern in a way that puts the needs of the American people above everything else. The American people demand that from their leaders.

Voters made it plain that they expect Republicans to be ready to work with Biden as well. Biden stated that he is willing to collaborate with Republicans when he can.

It is time to start that process now that the House of Representatives leadership has been chosen, he said.

The Democratic leadership, though, was not that kind. According to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker Kevin McCarthy's dream position "may turn into a nightmare for the American people."

He gave in to the demands of a radical segment of the Republican party in order to get the votes. "The MAGA Republican-controlled House will likely produce a federal shutdown or a default with disastrous ramifications for our country," he stated. "Kevin McCarthy's concessions to the extremists in his party."

He claimed that rather than furthering deadlock, Americans want Congress to build on the great bipartisan accomplishments of the previous two years.

If there is any chance of passing legislation, House Republicans will need to reach across the aisle and cooperate with Democrats.

either enhance the quality of life for Americans or avert a shutdown or default," Schumer added.

Republicans have a decision to make: will they continue to submit to the radical MAGA Republicans who want to take our nation hostage, or will they resist them and collaborate with Democrats in a bipartisan manner to support America's working families? The Senate Majority Leader declared that Democrats were eager to get to work.

McCarthy is weaker than ever, according to DNC chair Jaime Harrison, who claimed in a statement that after repeatedly humiliating himself this week.

Make no mistake: The House GOP is actually led by the most radical MAGA Republicans. "They'll be spinning the House for the next two years."

"Their extremist aim is to destroy Social Security and Medicare, cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy, and outlaw abortion nationwide without doing anything to reduce costs for families, Harrison said. This has thrown the country into full chaos.

After the fifth-longest election process in history, McCarthy is elected the 55th Speaker of the House. The longest speaker election in history ended with him winning the gavel after 15 rounds of voting. The longest election in US history, which lasted 133 rounds over two months, occurred in 1855.

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