Nostradamus' 2023 Predictions Include World War III, Celestial Fire On Royals And More

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Nostradamus 2023 Predictions Include World War III, Celestial Fire On Royals And More

The French astrologer Nostradamus, who passed away in 1566, made a number of predictions before he did. According to Nostradamus' admirers, almost 70% of his prophecies came to pass.

Nostradamus devotees claim that he predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. It's important to remember that Nostradamus also predicted how the world would end.

Nostradamus predicted Hitler, the Moon landing, and the COVID epidemic, according to his hordes of devotees. Some of his dozens of enigmatic prophesies, according to legend, predict the precise manner in which our planet would die.

The following were Nostradamus' predictions for 2023:

World War 3

According to Nostradamus, "seven months of immense battle, with people dead through evil," will engulf the entire world in 2023. This might apply to the bloody battle in Ukraine, which has so far been characterised by war crimes and a high number of civilian fatalities. According to the prophecy, the battle will intensify into a full-fledged world war in the upcoming year, which might result in cataclysmic levels of damage given the nuclear arsenals at stake.

Fire towards the royals

In 2023, Nostradamus foresaw "Celestial Fire on the Royal Edifice."
If taken literally, this might imply that a meteor is coming directly for the UK's Buckingham Palace. In a more figurative vein, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who recently launched a Netflix documentary outlining the nefarious acts carried out against them by the crown, have turned up the heat on and destroyed the royal family's image as we know it. Oh, and Queen Elizabeth II, the British queen who ruled for the longest, passed away this year.

Global warming and dead fish

According to Nostradamus, "Like the sun, the head shall burn the shining water; the living fish of the Black Sea shall almost boil." According to research, many of the most popular fish species may go extinct due to climate change, which is related to global warming.

Cannibalism amongst humans

The soothsayer believes that since one of humanity's primary food supplies is under danger, we may eventually resort to devouring one another.

A new pope?

Nostradamus predicted that a new Pope would be installed in 2023, but that Pope Francis would be the last "real Pope," and that Pope Peter would spark a scandal that would lead to the Roman Catholic Church's demise. After the seven-hilled city is destroyed and the terrifying Judge judges the populace, Peter the Roman will feed his flock amid great hardships in the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church. He wrote, "The end.

Failed Mars mission

The "celestial fire when the lights of Mars will go out," according to Nostradamus, will occur. This seems very serious. Does this indicate that attempts to colonise Mars or even Mars itself are in danger? Elon Musk should take heed because, according to the founder of SpaceX, people could be setting foot on Mars by 2029.

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