Independent Airline Adding Flights To Help Stranded Passengers In Las Vegas

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Independent Airline Adding Flights To Help Stranded Passengers In Las Vegas

Unaffiliated airline expanding its flight schedule to assist stranded travellers in Las Vegas :

Smaller businesses are stepping forward to assist thousands of stranded passengers in Las Vegas and throughout the nation as major airlines struggle to rebook holiday tourists.

"Our thoughts are with the folks that are currently trapped. When you have to cancel a flight and can't see your friends and family, I believe that no matter who you are with, a small part of you dies within, according to JSX CEO Alex Wilcox.

Independent airline JSX travels between Mexico and the United States. It has a total of 77 aircraft.
To meet the present demand, more flights have been added, according to Wilcox.

Just now, flights for tomorrow were added. many flights to Burbank and southern California. Denver was added,
Smaller businesses are stepping forward to assist thousands of stranded passengers in Las Vegas and throughout the nation as major airlines struggle to rebook holiday tourists.

Boulder, too. To Phoenix, Vegas, and SoCal. Flights from Dallas to Boulder have also been added. We're making every effort to put the planes we do have into service so they can serve people, he said.

For the upcoming several days, all flights to and from Las Vegas are fully booked.

There is a remedy, he continued, "I believe that you have to simplify our business, some have grown too large to handle through." They must free themselves, I said.

Finding their bags, he claims, is the main issue that individuals are experiencing. Before departing, he advises placing a trackable tag in your luggage.

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